The Sberatel /Collector fair will have a younger sibling!

On March 15 and 16, 2019, the four-star Olympik Congress hotel in Prague will host the first “spring Sberatel / Collector” event. The assortment of […]

    Antium Aurum numismatic auction will offer a number of rarities

    The auction organized by the firm Antium Aurum on October 6 in the Carlo IV. hotel in Prague will offer very attractive coins and medals. […]

      22nd Sberatel / Collector Fair will take place on September 6 and 7, 2019

      The 21st Sberatel / Collector fair welcomed approximately 10,000 visitors and over 200 exhibitors from tens of countries. It thus confirmed that it was the […]

        Vinyl & Stereo Expo will be complemented by Rock & Metal Market this year

        This year too will include a parallel event, the Vinyl & Stereo Expo fair focusing on vinyl records, CDs, and other audio storage devices of […]

          Schimanski in Prague!

          The Sberatel / Collector fair will remember Götz George, the German actor renowned for his role of legendary Commissioner Schimanski, who would have been eighty […]

            Attention! The 21st Sberatel / Collector Fair is nearing fast!

            Prague will once again become a meeting place for more than 200 traders from several dozens of countries and the capital of collectors from Central […]

              Dealers, take heed! Be the first to buy at the Sberatel / Collector fair! Make use of the “afternoon for traders”!

              If you wish to be among the first customers making purchases at the Collector fair (September 7 and 8, PVA Expo Exhibition Grounds in Prague), […]

                PRAGA 2018 EXPO – do not miss the issue of special private stamps

                Special stamps the leading motif of which is Prague will be officially issued by the Czech Post on the occasion of the Expo event accompanying […]

                  The hot collectors´ summer in Prague begins!

                  PRAGA 2018 Expo reports a full house! The official Expo event accompanying the PRAGA 2018 World Stamp Exhibition taking place from August 15 to 18 […]

                    Geosvět/ Minerals and Gemstones also in autumn

                    Following the tremendous success of the Geosvět (Geoworld) /Minerals and Gemstones fair in February, which scored about 2,000 visitors in two days, you can now […]

                      VELETRHY SBĚRATEL






                      Sběratelské aukce

                      • Bohužel, žádné blížící se aukce nebyly nalezeny.

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ AUKCE

                      Sběratelské akce

                      • World Money Fair

                        Největší veletrh zaměřená na mince, medaile a drahé kovy na světě.

                        30.01.2025 - 01.02.2025

                        Berlín, Německo

                      • Minerály a drahé kameny jaro

                        Největší akce v Praze zaměřená na minerály, drahé kameny a autorské šperky.

                        15.02.2025 - 16.02.2025

                        Praha, Česká republika

                      • Numismata Mnichov

                        Nejstarší numismatický veletrh v Německu.

                        01.03.2025 - 02.03.2025

                        Mnichov, Německo

                      • Philatelia Mnichov

                        Tradiční filatelistický veletrh. Koná se souběžně s veletrhem Numismata.

                        01.03.2025 - 02.03.2025

                        Mnichov, Německo

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ AKCE

                      Tipy pro sběratele

                      VYHLEDAT DALŠÍ TIPY
